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All programs were developed by Christian Altenbach using LabVIEW.
More detailed information about the software can be found on his website.

Make sure to check here often and always update to the newest version. Upgrading is easy and only takes seconds. No need to uninstall the old version first.

If you notice a bug or unexpected behavior, please report if it can still be reproduced in the newest version. Provide as much detail as possible.

  • Detailed Installation Instructions
  • Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

    Important update: All programs are now distributed as 64bit applications and you might need to install the new runtime engine. Please refer to the included readme file!

    If you download and use any of these programs, please contact me so I can notify you of any updates and new developments. Your e-mail address will only be used for communications directly related to these programs.

              Christian Altenbach ("my last name"


    Click here to download all programs as one zip file (August 15, 2024, ~230MB), then install whatever is needed.

    Make sure to carefully read the installation instructions of the included readme file.

    Some programs are not for general use! Only install what you recognize.


    A LabVIEW program for fitting multicomponent EPR spectra of nitroxide spin labels.

    MultiComponent Product Page


    A LabVIEW program to extract distance probability distributions from DEER data.

    LongDistances Product Page


    A LabVIEW program to extract distance probability distributions from dipolar broadened CW-EPR spectra.

    ShortDistances Product Page

    All programs were developed at UCLA by Christian Altenbach using LabVIEW™.
    Support was provided by NIH grants R01EY05216 and P30EY00331,the Jules Stein Professor Endowment, and the Bruce Ford and Anne Smith Bundy Foundation.
    LabVIEW™ Is a trademark of National Instruments Corporation.